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Amazon Dash

We live in exciting times, truly. A few days ago I discovered the invention of the Amazon Dash. It looks like even our grocery shopping is entering the future! It’s about time though, grocery shopping the old fashioned way is such a pain.

How great will it be when I can just say the name of the food I want, and it will materialize right before my very unbelieving eyes? What many hours will we save, not having to trudge to the supermarket on the weekends? What countless minutes will we gain with our family, friends, and video games? Amazon has answered the prayers we didn’t even know we prayed and has given us the future of–wait. I’m being told that the Amazon Dash does not in fact make food materialize right before your eyes. Okay. That’s a bummer.

So what does it actually do? Well, it does make your grocery shopping easier, in the sense that it almost ensures you’ll never have one...

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Microsoft introduces Xbox One

Hey guys!
The Xbox One is still around. Of course I knew this, but I’m not sure Microsoft knew this, because they are announcing a brand new system–the Xbox One! But this time it’s without the Kinect.

It’s actually the same thing they came out with last year, but without the fancy futuristic camera/all-seeing eye that they were certain would be the second coming of Christ. Because of that, it’s arguably a worse package than what came out last year. Maybe this is a smart move on Microsoft’s part though, as removing the Kinect from the package has allowed them to offer the new system at a lower price.

“Well that’s good,” you may think. Well yes, that is good. You will now be able to purchase a hi-tech gaming system for the fantastic price of $400. That’s amazing. It would be even more amazing if you couldn’t already buy a PS4 for that price, but it is what it is. And that is probably...

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Social Media and Self Worth

Today I am going to talk about how social media has lead to our lives being a popularity contest. Only not really. I read this post the other day and I disagreed with it almost completely. I even commented on the article. I don’t think life has turned into a popularity contest. We just have different means of communicating.

Do you think that social media is taking over our lives? Is that necessarily a bad thing?

Some argue that yes, it is. We don’t talk face to face as much. We’re too connected all the time. Young people have an unhealthy relationship with their phones.

Maybe we are too connected all the time. It can be exhausting. Do we not talk face to face as much though? I’m not sure I agree with that. Maybe we literally don’t, but it’s possible to connect with more people more quickly with social media. If I want to see someone I haven’t in a while, I send them a message on...

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Pennsylvania, Same-Sex Marriage, and the Technology that made it happen (maybe)

I was going to put up my post about social media and self worth today, but something important happened.

Today Pennsylvania officially allows same-sex marriage. I was actually surprised by this, as I didn’t think my home state was all that progressive. It makes sense though, and in fact it would have made even less sense for the marriage ban to be struck down, as Pennsylvania is the last of the Northeastern states to begin to allow same-sex marriage.

I wondered if technology might have a place in the progressive measures that many states are taking. I mean, it’s not all that radical to allow two people to marry. But did social media have a part in spreading the message faster? In changing people’s minds faster? After all, just twenty years ago most people opposed allowing same-sex marriage. Today, support for marriage equality is found in a large majority of the population.


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Welcome to my blog!

Do you love technology? I do. Sometimes it can be aggravating–like when you can’t figure out why your printer doesn’t work–or all-consuming–like when you spend all day staring at a screen and looking at cat pictures. It can be great though, too. I can watch my favorite musical artists everyday on YouTube if I want. I can take online classes from a prestigious university on the other side of the world.

I believe that the pros outweigh the cons. I like knowing what’s going on in the world at the click of a button or the swipe of a screen. I like having my friends in my back pocket. I like playing a game and feeling like I’m in another world. I like seeing pictures of my family members that are miles away.

In this blog, I will look at technology–new products coming out, how we use technology, why we love it, and why we hate it.

Before my next post, I would like to...

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